KSCWCU is organizing a State Level Convention on 26th Dec 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Townhall at J C Road, Bangalore)


KSCWCU is organizing a State Level Convention on 26th Dec 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Townhall at J C Road, Bangalore)

Karnataka State Construction Workers Central Union (KSCWCU), is an independent registered trade union, working for the cause of the Building and other Construction Workers across the State for more than 43 years. KSCWCU has a membership of more than 84,800 and it is affiliated to National Centre for Labour (NCL), a Confederation of Independent Labour Organizations at the National level and with the Building and Wood Workers International (BWI), a Global Federation of Building and Wood Workers Unions at the International level.

As one of the founding members of National Campaign Committee on Central Legislation for Construction Labour (NCC-CL) in the year 1985 under the leadership of Late Justice VR Krishna lyer KSCWCU played a pivotal role in drafting a separate bill for the welfare of Construction Labour and presented it to the Rajya Sabha petition’s committee with Ten Lakh signatures of construction workers across the Country. Through its continuous struggles, Lobbying and advocacy efforts, two separate legislations were passed by the parliament in the year 1996 viz. The Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Condition of Services) Act 1996 and “The Building and other Construction Workers Welfare CESS Act 1996

After the introduction of the Central Act in the year 1996, KSCWCU had organized many struggles, lobbying and advocacy efforts for 10 years to pressurise the State Government had framed the Rules and Regulations for the Central Act. On 1-11-2006 Government of Karnataka announced the formation of Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board and on 15-2-2007, the Karnataka Building and Other Construction Workers Welfare Board was established and started functioning Since 2007, three times the Union representatives were nominated as Members of the Welfare Board and have given their immense contribution in starting various welfare programmes for the registered workers and increasing the benefits through struggles. As on today the registered workers are eligible for 19 benefits from the Welfare Board.

Most unfortunately, the two Central Legislations which have provided welfare and relief to the millions of construction workers have been repealed by the Government of India by introducing the four Labour codes. In the near future this may result in closing of welfare boards. Construction workers who have already registered in the Welfare Board should register themselves again in the E-shram portal. Anyone can register in the E-shram portal without any valid verification. The CESS amount collected through the Welfare Board (Rs. 7,500/- Crores in Karnataka Board) and Rs.1 Lakh Crore in all the Welfare Boards in India will be used to provide Social Security for more than 40 Crore Unorganized Labour in India.

KSCWCU strongly opposes this move of the Government India, suggests that for the Unorganised Workers separate sectoral boards should be constructed, CESS should be collected and a budgetary allocation of 3% to 5% should be added to the CESS to provide Social Security to more than 40 Crores unorganized workers in India.

Expressing our discontent and demanding the restoration of BOCW acts 1996, No to transfer of welfare board funds to E-shram portal, increasing the pension amount from Rs.3.000/- to Rs.5,000/-, extending ESI facilities etc., KSCWCU is organizing a State Level Convention on 26th Dec 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Townhall at J C Road, Bangalore to pressurize the State Government to pass a resolution in the assembly for the restoration of BOCW Acts 1996.

Aforesaid statements were jointly released at press club of Bangalore by NP SAMY,President and LEELAVATHI.S,General Secretary on behalf of KSCWCU.



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